Pricing Policy

MicroWay guarantees that our prices are lower than buying directly from overseas suppliers and we’ll guarantee to match all local prices. So if you see a lower price elsewhere, please call us!
*conditions apply
For many years MicroWay has led the way with our Price Guarantee, helping customers locally by continually driving down pricing in the Australian and New Zealand markets. We take pride in providing our customers with the best software tools available. But it’s not enough to only save you thousands of dollars on your next project. We also continue to bring you the highest quality products at the most competitive prices available. And you still benefit from our support — the best service and support available in Australia.
We spend a good deal of time shopping our competitors and checking our pricing against theirs. So why waste your time searching around for prices from other firms, when we guarantee our prices to be the most competitive around.
The following conditions apply:
Since nearly anyone can pop up a “fly by night” Web page, we will consider the source. If you’ve found a legitimate competitor with a lower price on an item, we want to know. Upon verification, we will drop our price to match or even beat our competitor’s price in order to earn your business. (See Note2 for an exception).
If you’ve found a better price on an item offered by one of our competitors (both local and overseas), just email us the URL where we can verify the source. From there, we will check it out. All price verifications should be sent to .
Our lowest price policy may not apply to some limited editions, one of a kinds, and special rebate offers. For example, bankruptcy and going-out-of-business sales are excluded.
It also has to be exactly the same product. It needs to be for the same number of users and the same operating system. It also needs to be the same version. Sometimes competitors may offer cut-down or reduced functionality versions of a product for a lower price whereas we’re offering the full product. It has to be exactly the same product.
The cost of the product needs to include all delivery charges, shipping and handling. Some items from overseas appear less expensive, but then when you factor in the delivery charges, it actually works out more expensive.
GST (Goods and Services Tax)
GST may be payable on software imported into Australia (boxed and electronic). From the Australian Taxation Office website page, GST and imported goods:
“Goods and services tax (GST) is payable on most goods imported into Australia.
GST is payable by businesses, organisations and private individuals, whether they are registered for GST or not. However, if you are a GST-registered business or organisation and you import goods as part of your activities, you may be able to claim a GST credit for any GST you pay on those goods.”
Please satisfy yourself as to this requirement by examining the following information and consulting your tax advisor:
- Australian Customs – When Buying over the Internet
- Australian Taxation Office – GST and Imported Goods
MicroWay offers a money back guarantee on most products. Our suppliers generally support our returns policy which means that in most cases we’re able to offer a 30-day money back guarantee. However there are a small number of vendors who will not accept product returns, and in those cases we can not offer the money back policy. Most vendors are making trial versions available of their products which enable customers to satisfy themselves regarding the value of the products prior to purchase, (see the downloads area of the product information page on this website).
The exchange rate varies constantly and is not favourable at the moment. Many people are surprised when they do the conversion and find that what looked to be a better price in USD, is in fact dearer than our price. However, you can rest assured that our goal is to offer better prices than you will receive from buying directly from overseas.
There are many websites you can use for a conversion, (e.g., and select the typical credit card rate), or you can use this one:
Currency Converter by OANDA
Foreign Exchange Fee – Applies to Credit Card Purchases
If you have an Australian Credit Card and order in a currency other than Australian Dollars (AUD) your credit card company will charge you a foreign exchange fee based on a % of the purchase price. As at 1 January 2015 the fees are (check with you credit card provider for the most current fees):
If you order from overseas:
Amex = 2.7%
Visa & Master Card = 2-3%
When you order locally from MicroWay in AUD you don’t pay this fee – you save 2% – 3%.
MicroWay also does not charge any “Surcharges” when you use the above card types.
If you have questions about our PRICING POLICY, you can call 1300 553 313 to speak to a sales representative.
Note1: This guarantee is not retrospective.
Note2: Some suppliers have deal registration and other mechanisms which provide deeper discounts to only one reseller. In those cases MicroWay will provide as much discount as we can – but we may not be able to match a price based on some form of restricted access to special discounted pricing. We must reserve the right not to sell at a loss.
Note3: This policy should be read in conjunction with the MicroWay standard Terms & Conditions