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Ext JS

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Sencha Ext JS

With Ext JS, create data-intensive HTML5 applications using JavaScript

Ext JS helps you build data-intensive, cross-platform web apps for desktops, tablets, and smartphones. Take advantage of powerful features in Ext JS Premium including Pivot Grid, D3 Adapter, Calendar, and Exporter.

Sencha Ext JS provides everything a developer needs to build data-intensive, cross-platform web applications. Ext JS leverages HTML5 features on modern browsers.

Ext JS features 115+ high-performance, pre-tested and integrated UI components including calendar, grids, charts and more. The Ext JS Grid and Advanced Charting package can handle millions of records with ease. The framework includes a robust data package that can consume data from any back-end data source. With Sencha Pivot Grid and D3 adapter, organisations can add leading-edge visualisation and analytics capabilities to their web applications.

The rich set of Ext JS tools and themes help improve development productivity and accelerate the delivery of great looking web applications. Tools are available to help with application design, development, theming, and debugging as well as build optimisation and deployment.

Sencha Test is a complementary product and is the most comprehensive unit and end-to-end testing solution for Ext JS Apps. Learn more about Sencha Test.


• Provides everything a developer needs to build data-intensive, cross-platform web applications

• Streamlines cross-platform development

• Provides a common use model and coding style across components to simplify ongoing web app maintenance

• Increases the productivity of develop

Key Features

115+ High-Performance Configurable UI Components

Ext JS delivers the industry’s most comprehensive collection of feature-rich, configurable UI components – including calendar, grids, pivot grid, trees, charts, lists, forms, menus, toolbars, panels, windows, and much more.

Visualisation and Analysis of Complex Data Sets

Ext JS delivers numerous capabilities to help organisations visualise and analyse complex data sets including:

  • D3 Adapter enables developers to add sophisticated D3 visualisations including heatmaps, treemaps, and sunbursts to their applications.
  • Advanced Charting Package lets developers visualise data with a broad range of chart types. The charts use surfaces and sprites developed with a drawing package implemented using SVG, VML, and Canvas to handle browser variations.
  • Pivot Grid enables developers to quickly and easily add powerful analytics functionality to Ext JS applications – allowing users to summarise and analyse data to make more informed decisions.
  • Grid enables organisations to handle millions of records and provides out-of-the-box functionality such as sorting, grouping, column locking, and summary rows.
  • Exporter enables users to export data from the standard grid or Pivot Grid to a wide variety of common formats for additional analysis and information sharing.

Back-end Agnostic Data Package

A robust data package decouples the UI components from the data layer. The data package is protocol agnostic, and can access data from any back-end source.

Layout Manager and Responsive Configurations

A flexible layout manager helps to organise the display of data and content across multiple browsers, devices, and screen sizes. It helps developers to control the display of components, even for the most complex user interfaces.

Customisable Themes

Ext JS components are available in multiple built-in themes, such as Material, that are consistent across platforms. Themes can be easily customised to reflect a specific brand identity.

Accessibility Package (ARIA) for Section 508 Compliance

The ARIA Package lets developers add accessibility support to their applications by providing tools for achieving Section 508 Compliance.

Sencha Tools


Sencha Cmd provides a full set of lifecycle management features – including scaffolding, code minification, tree shaking, transpilation from ES6, dynamic package loading, build generation for progressive web apps – to complement Sencha projects.

IDE and Code Editor Plugins

Sencha plugins provide advanced code generation and code completion functionalities within the most popular IDEs including Eclipse, Visual Studio, and JetBrains, as well as Visual Studio Code.


Architect enables developers to quickly create new cross-platform Ext JS applications for mobile devices and modern browsers on the desktop. Using drag and drop features, developers spend less time on manual coding, helping organisations accelerate the time to market of their applications.


Themer empowers developers to style Ext JS applications and make them look great. Create custom themes using this graphical tool – without writing code.


Inspector is a debugging tool that provides direct access to components, classes, objects and more for apps built using Sencha frameworks. It lets developers analyse their application for issues and to improve application performance.

Sencha Test

Sencha Test is a complementary product and is the most comprehensive unit and end-to-end testing solution for Ext JS apps. It enables the creation and execution of more robust tests, which helps improve application quality and reduces testing time and cost.

Sencha Ext JSStandardProPremium
Ext JS (HTML5/JavaScript Framework)yesyesyes
Cmd (Build Optimisation Tool)yesyesyes
Ext JS Stencils (Design Kit)yesyesyes
1 Year of Maintenance & Supportyesyesyes
Visual Studio Code Plugin (Productivity Tool)yesyesyes
IDE Plugins (Productivity Tools –
JetBrains, Visual Studio IDE, Eclipse)
Architect (Visual App Builder)noyesyes
Themer (Styling Tool)noyesyes
Inspector (Debugging Tool)nonoyes
D3 Adapter (Data Visualisation)nonoyes
Pivot Grid (Data Analytics)nonoyes
Calendar (Event Management)nonoyes
Exporter (Data Export)nonoyes

For more information call MicroWay on 1300 553 313 or email